Like finally hearing that song you’ve ALWAYS needed, to come out of hiding and strut your stuff.


It’s not fun to feel stuck. To be hiding out in the shadows. Especially when you don’t particularly want to be. And especially if you’ve been there for far too long.

And really, all you want is to be yourself. To be more out there with what you KNOW is in you. Especially when you know what’s in your is rather sweet. Sweet ideas you’d love to share. Sweet visions that you’d love to see come to life. Or maybe even sweet genius, that would be awfully sweet to share with others who may be in need of that.

It’s beyond frustrating. To feel unable to find the doorway out of the shadows, yet to want that more than anything.

Let me shed some much needed light on your situation.

You are safe, even if you don’t feel that way. And likeliness is, you just need a bit of support.

What’s magical about tuning into the support YOU need, is that it has a way of shifting things for the better. All on it’s own. And eventually, that shadow you’ve called home for far too long, fades away, and things will look and feel a whole lot sweeter.

And low and behold, the pathways forward are all around you.

Imagine how that would feel. Stepping forward on a wide, safe, and reliable pathway. With ample room for ALL of you.

Why not go ahead, and strut your stuff. And let’s see what sweet things may happen when you do.

Hi, I’m Dodie. I host conversations on support.

I really do get what it feels like to be hiding in the shadows of your own life. When you know you’ve got it in you to be so much more. It’s a maddening feeling.

I took this selfie in my home office recently. I was in this very place, years ago, struggling to both decorate this space, and get my coaching website off the ground, when it struck me how profoundly unsafe I felt.

Never mind choosing the copy or colours for my website. That in fact, saying the words, “I am Dodie, and I am a coach” alone to myself, in my own home, sent feelings of fear through my body.

That despite my perfect ability to perform the job. I had so much fear within me, to take the first step forward with my business.

And rather than ignore my feelings, I decided to do things differently. I decided that I would build up my supports from ground up. And restructure how I do business in a way that supported ME.

I put support front and centre. In all areas of my life.

As you can see, the office did get decorated. And the website done. And guess what …. “I am Dodie Sobretodo, Coach, and Support Expert.”

I’m here to listen to you. To what’s hard for you. To pause and reflect on your experience. To get creative and discover what support you may need to feel safer in your own skin.

Together, let’s play. And upgrade your support systems. Make it more attuned to who you are, what you need, and where you’d like to go.

In addition to coaching, I’m a mother, lawyer and family mediatior. I lean heavily on my extensive experience in dance and movement, and years of study in Trauma Psychotherapy.

But what I’m most proud of, and what gives me the chops to serve you well, is my commitment to my own practice. Day in and day out. Rain or shine. Staying curious about how I can do things AND stay supported. And how I can hold a supportive space for the people around me.

I love what I do. Find it infinitely interesting. And would love be delighted to help you feel more supported too.

I am person, situation, and industry AGNOSTIC.

Meaning, if you need more support, then I can help you do that.

Regardless of whether you need help with parenting, cleaning out your basement, launching your business, preparing for a big thing, or improving your performance at work.

You bring the expertise on where you’re at and where you’re heading, and I’ll bring the expertise on upgrading your supports to get you there.

Support works the same across the board. If you’re able to bring in more robust, and diverse support for you, then you’ll be better able to move in more robust and diverse ways.

I host conversations on support for individuals, couples, families, teams or any other kind of group.

It all starts with a conversation.

A supported one of course.

We’ll tune in to your experience. Listen to what’s hard. What it is you want. And in the back and forth of our conversation, held in safety and support, new insights will arise.

We’ll create a plan that addresses both how it is you’ll take take action AND how it is you’ll simultaneously bring in support to take good care of yourself.

You’ll have concrete, robust and diverse support practices, that will surround you every step of the way.

Same, same, if you’re a group. We’ll all get together, and listen in to everyone’s unique experience, and we’ll discover what safe and reliable pathways we can create to move forward.