Three Scoops Please!

Now I must warn you that you might find my practice offering to be a little boring today. Now that’s not a preface I add on to lower your expectations so that I don’t look dumb if you think what I’m about to say is in fact boring you so much that you want to cut out of this letter early so you can move onto more interesting things.

It's true. Sometimes practices can be boring. Total snoozers. No cache. Nothing sexy or glamorous whatsoever. And oftentimes, the practices that are the real backbone can be the most boring.

So without further adieu, I give you this most boring offer - pick 3.

Pick 3 supports that is. Here’s what I mean by that:

Just before you begin a new task,

1. Take a pause.

2. Pick three supports that might help you feel more supported in the task.

3. Write each support down and keep it handy.

4. Take another few moments to take these supports in. In other words feel it.

The idea with this practice is that you BEGIN your tasks FEELING supported.

Rather than leaving your support to chance or accident, and rather than talking about support - you’re naming, in no uncertain terms, what YOU need, and YOU are making it happen.

Not so boring when you put it that way!

Pause and pick three.

Like I did before writing this letter:

  1. Shift to my wobble chair so I can free up my body in a spirally way.

  2. Diffuse peppermint essential oil and breath that in.

  3. Pick an ambient yet upbeat playlist to listen to on Spotify.

Pick any three that make sense to you. Here are a few more pick 3 examples:

For tidying up around the house 🧹🏡

  1. Set a timer for 25 minutes, and let go of results, just work til the timer goes off

  2. If difficult feelings arise, shift your focus to the movement of your arms and hands

  3. Stand back and appreciate the results of your work from time to time

For difficult tasks at work 💻🏋🏾‍♀️

  1. Tall spine

  2. Feel your feet on the ground

  3. Pause, and close your eyes in cases of overwhelm or frustration

For creative tasks 🎭🎨🖌

  1. Wiggle fingers and toes.

  2. Spiral shoulders backwards, in a dancy way

  3. Repeat “You got this girl!” to yourself as if receiving a high five from Jonathan Van Ness from Queer Eye.

Are you seeing what I’m onto here? You get to choose the flavour of your support. Each and every time you go to do a new task.

Why 3 you might ask?

Think of this way, if you went to your favourite ice cream place. And you had a choice of three scoops or one. What would you choose?

Three of course! (ok, I realize some of you may not, but hang in with me here) Three gives you a fuller palette of flavour, colour and texture. If you aren't feeling it for one scoop, you'll hopefully enjoy the other two.

In all sincerity, this pick three practice is a cornerstone of my own personal and professional practice.

Day in and day out. Rain or shine. I’m picking 3 & helping others do the same.

If pick 3 sounds interesting to you, why not give it a try. Commit to it for a day, a week or even a month. And see what happens.

If it supports you to write to me to share your commitment, then by all means, please do. And if you're looking for some connection as you practice pick 3, drop me a note, I'm down for that too. Let me know what's working for you, what's not and what you are noticing.

What I love about this practice is that it’s simple and that it works. You feel more supported. And you’re growing your repertoire of things you CAN do. Nothing boring about that!

Have a lovely and unboring weekend! 😄

Thanks for reading! Now this is thee most delish and supportive ice cream in Ottawa. With unique asian flaves and fresh local ingredients. At Mooshu’s on Bank St.

This blog was orignally shared as a newsletter. I send it out on a Friday afternoon, to wrap up your week, and give you a litle something supportive and interesting to chew on as you transition into the weekend. Writing my Friday letter is my favorite part of my work week and a project near to my heart. Always the focus is on getting things done AND tending to your support and self care at the same time. If that sounds like something you’d appreciate, I welcome you subscrive by clicking the link below.


Ramen Soup Time!